Party Like Kafka

What a day it was, yesterday. Hectic and humid.

These youngsters, mostly in their 20s, or millenials as we bracket them, were talking on Camus and Kafka - absurdity and existentialism, Ramayana and Mahabharata - idealism and reality, Buddha and Gandhi - aanand and ahimsa.

Trying to explore and revisit meaning of life and meaning of meaningfulness, purpose of existence and evolution, they seem to be in hurry to jump to conclusions as fast as maggie noodles gets cooked.  Totally a different generation more into showing off what they know than what they understand and in the process getting exposed on what they do not know. Their experience and exposure of context and contemplation is away from reality yet they make sense and their intent looks genuine.

Though AI and simulations, freewill and fortune, power and prosperity, chaos and criticism allows us to dive into the realms of our 'being', I am not too sure as to whether it would lead towards a thinking on focusing on 'becoming' in the whole process. 

It was a pleasure listening and observing the tone and tantrum these young folks display. Without any generalisation I can say it was a heartening experience to learn about their point of view - their truth is much different than our truth, their boundaries of rationality are much different than ours - by birth and by conditioning. In the wild, Herbert Simon must be happy to inspire this generation.

I admire their belief in co-existence and interdependence, their sensibilities and seriousness. Ozien these flowers are going to spread around ensures healthy and flourishing world in the times to follow.

Quite contrasting to what I experienced attending a meeting today where some of my generation people had allergy for searching and teaching of meaning and purpose of life and work, society and technology, I wish the bridge gets built soon, if at all it should.


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