Earthquake in Bhutan

The earthquake today at around 2:30 pm (IST) was quite an experience which shaked the northeastern part of India. It was holiday because of Eid, so all of us were having a nap after the lunch, suddenly we felt as if the bed is shaking, or else just as if someone is there under our bed, but then we realised it was an EARTHQUAKE, after a while again another attach hit and we jumped out of the bed. In the evening while watching TV we learnt that it has its epicentre at Thimphu, however when it was being reported by different channels that it was near Guwahati, I was guessing it must be the eastern part of Bhutan and later learnt from internet sources that yes it was in the eastern side of Bhutan.
I think I never experienced such a strong Quake (6.3 on the richter scale). It has harmed some houses and lives in Bhutan, my condolences for all my bhutanese friends. May Guru Rinpoche give them strength...


Sangay Khandu said…
I just learnt of your blog and the first article I read was about the Quake that has taken away lives, left others homeless and cold and rest of the country shaken. I am quite sure you have followed developments after that. Relief efforts from all sections from both inside and outside the country poured in and still continues to come in. His Majesty has been travelling in the affected areas soon after and is till visiting, providing them comfort and helping them re-build their lives; a lot of people have been benefits of His Majesty's kidu and it has been easier to move on with a more aware mind of such vulnerabilities in the region.

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